Additive Manufacturing (AM) @ ETH
At ETH, over 40 research groups are active in AM / 3D printing. To support community building, foster collaborations and coordinate joint activities in this broad area of research, additivETH is our platform for capacity build-up in AM.

Additive manufacturing (AM) is a well-established area of interest among researchers and students at ETH. The topics are varied, covering different material classes and process technologies, from the molecular to the macro scale, and addressing applications across a wide range of fields in research and industry. To connect AM researchers and users, additivETH was launched as a platform for sharing expertise, exchanging experiences, and linking research projects.
Upcoming Activities:
SAMCE Industry Workshop 2025
25 March 2025 | Empa, Dübendorf | external page website
Please refer to our events page for all events relating to Materials and Processes at ETH.
Subscribe to the additivETH mailing list if you would like to join & stay informed about upcoming ETH AM opportunities & activities!
With «additivETH success stories», MaP features research projects highlighting the potential but also upcoming challenges of AM implementation. Read about additivETH success stories here:
Digital design and AM of co-extrusion dies
3D printing for customized bioresorbable airway stents
A universal nanocarrier ink platform for bioprinting
Mineral Foam for 3D Printing Architectural Elements
ETH AM Books & Reports
- external page call_made Swiss AM Guide 2023
- external page call_made Swiss AM Guide 2020
- external page call_made Swiss AM Guide 2019
- external page call_made Swiss AM Guide 2018
- external page call_made Book on Design for AM (2018)
- external page call_made Book on Laser Sintering with Plastics (2018)
- external page call_made Swiss AM Report 2016
Previous Activities:
SAMCE 2024
31 October 2024 | FHNW in Brugg-Windisch | external page website
SAMCE Industry Workshop 2023
26 October 2023 | Microcity (EPFL), Neuchâtel | external page website
SAMCE 2023
21 September 2023 | Microcity (EPFL), Neuchâtel | external page website
AMPA International Scientific Conference 2023 - AM in Products & Applications
12-14 September 2023 | Lucerne (in collaboration with the AMX) | organised by ETH Zurich, in collaboration with Inspire and KIT
conference website
Mimics Innovation Suite (MIS) Course
On 16&17 February 2023, Materialise hosted a Mimics Innovation Suite (MIS) Course at ETH Zurich. It was aimed at users who already have some experience with this software or plan to use it soon and was free for all ETH members & students. external page More information
SAMCE 2022 Summer Event

SAMCE is a joint initiative of SATW, ETHZ, EPFL, Empa and the SFA-AM. It aims to strengthen the Swiss research community in advanced manufacturing by providing a platform to early-career scientists to present their research and connect with peers. The SAMCE 2022 Summer Event was held on 15 & 16 September 2022 at ETH Zurich. external page more details
MaP Lecture Series on "Additive Manufacturing" 2022
In spring semester 2022, MaP, together with Prof. Laura De Lorenzis and Prof. Robert Katzschmann, has organised the fifth edition of lectures with most recent AM topics and new international speakers. further information
Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite (MIS) Community Workshop

The MIS aims to simplify operation and alteration of 3D imaging data and offers tools to handle these kinds of data on a technical level. The online community workshop on the 13 January 2022 hosted by Yannick Hauswirth aimed to connect ETH researchers who use MIS tools and to present the software to interested people. Please us for further info about the software or the event.
SAMCE Fall Series 2021

Following the launch event in early 2021, the fall series with thematically focused short events was held on 4, 11 and 16 November 2021. SAMCE is a joint initiative of SATW, ETHZ, EPFL, Empa and the SFA-AM. It aims to strenghten the Swiss research community in advanced manufacturing by providing a platform to early-career scientistis to present their research and connect with peers. external page more details
Meet SAMP - ETH Zurich's Silicone Additive Manufacturing Platform
The SAMP event on the 30 September 2021 introduced the MaP's silicone additive manufacturing platform to new interested research groups both within and outside of ETH. Presentations from active participants of the platform and its technical operator Yannick Hauswirth showed off the capabilities and possibilities the technology offers.
additivETH exchange 'Challenges & Solutions in AM'

The additivETH event held online on 18 Marchy 2021 provided a platform for exchanging on challenges & solutions in AM, such as certification & qualification, process stabilisation, development of design guidelines, and industrialisation of AM.
additivETH exchange 'RHINOCEROS 3D & GRASSHOPPER for AM'

The additivETH event held online on 4 Marchy 2021 provided a platform for exchanging experiences on digital design tools such as Rhino/Grasshopper. Expert useres showcased their work in 15-min talks, while newcomers in the feld presented their project ideas or latest results in 5-min pitches to get direct feedback from peers. more details
additivETH pitch event

The additivETH pitch event on 4 February 2021 gave participants the opportunity to present their current research within the additive manufacturing community at ETH covering a wide range of topics.
SAMCE Launch Event 2021

The Swiss Advanced Manufacturing Events has been launched on Thursday 21 January 2021 as a joint initiative of SATW, ETHZ, EPFL, Empa and the SFA-AM. The event gave an insight in what is going on in the Swiss scientific community in advanced manufacturing and is a starting point for scientific exchange and future collaborations in this domain. external page more details
Community Workshop

On 26 November 2020, 30 members of the MaP community took the opportunity for an informal exchange with other researchers active in AM. The online workshop led to fruitful discussions, new connections & possibly to future collaborative projects. more information
AMPA International Conference 2020
'AM in Products & Applications'

The AMPA2020 was held on 1-3 September 2020 at ETH Zurich as a hybrid conference with participants on site and remote. Researchers and practitioners shared their insights in 3 keynotes, 35 scientific contributions and 18 industrial talks. more details
MaP Lecture Series on "Additive Manufacturing" 2020

In spring semester 2020, MaP, together with Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Prof. André Studart, has organised the fourth edition of lectures with most recent AM topics and new international speakers. further information
AM Network Tagung @ ETHZ: AM in Forschung & Praxis
During the AM Network Tagung on 24 October 2019 six different universities and their partners from industry reported about their collaborative projects funded by Innosuisse. external page conference website
MaP Lecture Series on "Additive Manufacturing" 2019

In spring semester 2019, MaP, together with Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Prof. André Studart, has organised the third edition of lectures with most recent AM topics and new international speakers. With another increase in number of participants, the lecture series has proven useful to foster exchange among a growing ETH AM Community. further information
pd|z AM Day on ‘Der Weg zum additiven Serienprodukt’
The pd|z AM Day on 14 February 2019, organised by inspire pd|z, gave insights into current research findings and best practice examples showing how AM can be sued in an industrial context. further information
'AM of Lightweight Composites'
- first joint SAMPE-MaP Technical Conference
AM of composite materials offers unique possibilities to combine the production technologies of high-performance materials with automation and design freedom for industrial production. On 16 January 2019, in collaboration with the external page Swiss SAMPE Chapter and the external page NTN Carbon Composites, MaP organised this one-day conference providing an overview covering all relevant topics from fundamentals of materials, design and series production to start-ups and applications. conference website
IWF-Kolloquium on ‘AM für grosse Bauteile’
On 12 December 2018, IWF in collaboration with inspire has organised a colloquium on AM to realise industrial-scale components. further information
Additive Manufacturing and Biofabrication Summer School 2018 (AMBSS)
The AMBSS took place from 27 to 31 August 2018 at ETH Hönggerberg. The summer school was organized jointly by ETH and EPFL PhD students and featured talks, hands-on sessions and group discussions. further information
additivETH AM mini-symposium 2018

Under the auspices of Prof. Christofer Hierold, ETH Zurich Delegate in the external page ETH Domain SFA Advanced Manufacturing (SFA-AM), MaP, in collaboration with Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Dr. Christoph Klahn from pd|z, has organised on 11 April 2018 the first additivETH AM mini-symposium. more information
AMPA International Conference 2017

The International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications (AMPA) took place from 13-15 September 2017 at ETH Zurich. The conference, organised by the ETH Product Development Group of Prof. Mirko Meboldt, covered all topics necessary to launch and establish an additive manufactured serial product in the market. conference website
MaP AM Talk by Prof. Peter Olmsted

On 20 June 2017, external page Prof. Peter Olmsted (Georgetown University) gave in-depth insights into the "Polymer Physics of Additive Manufacturing using Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)". Download announcement (PDF, 3.4 MB)
AM Talk "Laser Surface Engineering at Oerlikon Metco AG"
On 6 June 2017, Dr. Arkadi Zikin introduced technology, materials, equipment and application of laser cladding, ID cladding, direct metal deposition, additive manufacturing, laser hardening and laser surface re-melting. Download flyer (PDF, 415 KB)
MaP Lecture Series on "Additive Manufacturing" 2017
After the great success of the launch of the MaP AM Lecture in 2016, MaP, together with Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Prof. André Studart, has organised a new program with novel AM topics and different speakers in its second series of lectures in spring semester 2017. further information
Abendgespräch "Additive Fertigung in der Serienproduktion"
On 27 October 2016, MaP member Prof. Mirko Meboldt in collaboration with the ETH Erfa group PIM (Production and Information Management) organised an expert talk on "Additive Manufacturing for Serial Production". further information
1st Doctoral Summer School on AM of Polymeric Materials
On 5-9 September 2016, MaP PhD Students Matti Kesti & Mischa Müller co-organised with colleagues at EPFL the first summer school on "AM of Polymeric Materials. external page summer school website
MaP Lecture Series on "Additive Manufacturing" 2016
In the framework of the ETH initiative to build a strong AM Interest Group, together with Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Prof. André Studart, MaP has organised for spring semester 2016 the first MaP Distinguished Lecture Series on "Additive Manufacturing". further information
Kick-off event ETH AM Interest Group on 23 September 2015 (HG F 30, Audimax)
The ETH AM Interest Group was initiated by: PDZ (Prof. Meboldt), ETH Domain of VP Human Resources and Infrastructure (Dr. Müller), iwf (Prof. Wegener) and BWI (Prof. Schönsleben).