additivETH AM mini-symposium 2018
Under the auspices of Prof. Christofer Hierold, ETH Zurich Delegate in the external page ETH Domain SFA Advanced Manufacturing (SFA-AM), MaP, in collaboration with Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Dr. Christoph Klahn from pd|z has organised on 11 April 2018 the first additivETH AM Mini-Symposium. With the aim to support capacity building and promote research collaborations in this highly dynamic field, the interdisciplinary audience of ETH Zurich researchers awaited a varied Download program (PDF, 279 KB) with short presentations and networking opportunities.
In his welcome note, Prof. Hierold explained in more detail the framework of the SFA-AM, thereby stressing the importance of collaborations across disciplines to realise demonstrators that achieve effective technology transfer for the benefit of industry and society. The following fast-paced afternoon program featured 36 short talks given by members of 17 research groups out of 7 ETH departments, including research from inspire icams and the external page NCCR Digital Fabrication. Short overview presentations by ETH Professors focused on the 'Bigger Picture' of their AM-research and related approach, whereas PhD students and Postdocs have pitched their projects with a focus on unresolved challenges and potential connecting points aiming at creating synergies through collaborations.
The symposium also served as a platform to reveal the latest news from the ETH AM Community, as, for instance, the release of the external page Swiss Additive Manufacturing Guide 2018 which reports the story of 10 innovative AM products and how they successfully made it to the market. And also, further ETH Zurich AM activities and events being under-way such as external page ROB|ARCH 2018 (10.-15.9.18) and the 2018 Summer School on AM and Biofabrication (27.-31.8.18), have been announced.
Over 75 participants found themselves impressed by the immense diversity of AM activities at ETH Zurich, spanning from health to electronic and machine part to architectural applications, and covering various aspects of AM including 3D (bio-)printing, selected laser melting, electrochemical 3D printing or foam extrusion - just to name a few. The organisers have been pleased by the high quality of presentations and the stimulating discussions among researchers who grasped the opportunity to share their know-how and connect with possible collaboration partners.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all participants for their contribution to this event and look forward to seeing further AM collaborations with experts from other research fields to emerge!
![participants of the first additivETH AM mini-symposium](
![Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux, Drug Formulation & Delivery (D-CHAB)](
![Prof. Ralph Müller, Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics (D-HEST)](
![Dr. Marina Rubert, Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics (D-HEST)](
![Felicitas Flohr, Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics (D-HEST)](
![Prof. Lucio Isa, Interfaces, Soft Matter and Assembly (D-MATL)](
![Prof. Ralph Spolenak, Laboratory of Nanometallurgy (D-MATL)](
![Dr. Leopold Berger, Metal Physics and Technology (D-MATL)](
![networking session during additivETH AM mini-symposium](
![networking session during additivETH AM mini-symposium](
![networking session during additivETH AM mini-symposium](
![Prof. Ralph Müller and Prof. Ralph Spolenak at the networking session during additivETH AM mini-sympoisium](
![Dr. Adriaan Spierings, inspire icams](
![Marc Vetterli, inspire icams](
![Filippo Fontana, Product Development (D-MAVT)](
![Prof. Paolo Ermanni, Composite Materials and Adaptive Structures (D-MAVT)](
![Dr. Benjamin Dillenburger, Digital Building Technologies (D-ARCH)](
![networking session during additivETH AM mini-symposium](
![networking session during additivETH AM mini-symposium](
![Dr. Christoph Klahn and Prof. Mirko Meboldt at the networking session during additivETH AM mini-sympoisium](