Our community unites translational research covering fundamental to applied sciences and all length scales: from atomistic understanding through product development to buildings.
Focus areas
Materials and Processes are essential for a variety of developments that impact our lives. The broad range of research projects pursued within the MaP network covers main focus areas spanning from health, energy to communication and construction.
MaP Focus areas
Transdisciplinary Initiative (ETH Zurich)
The ALIVE | Advanced Engineering with Living Materials Initiative of ETH Zurich aims at elucidating and applying the design principles of living systems as a basis for sustainable, intelligent and resilient materials and technologies of the future.
ALIVE is ETH Zurich's effort in capacity buildup and technology platforms in the frame of the ETH Domain Strategic Focus Area Advanced Manufacturing (SFA-AM).
Special Interest Group 'Additive Manufacturing' (AM)
additivETH is our platform for capacity build-up in AM. The initiative supports community building, fostering of collaborations and coordination of joint activities in this broad area of research.