How to Find Us
Travelling by public transport
We recommend downloading the SBB mobile app and using external page EasyRide. Check in with a swipe before your journey and then check out again with a swipe afterwards. EasyRide calculates the best price for you at the end of the day, charges it to your credit card and sends you a receipt by email.
Selected itineraries to ETH Hönggerberg
- from Zurich Airport by rail
- Take the S-Bahn Line 2 (towards Ziegelbrücke) or Line 16 (towards Herrliberg-Feldmeilen) as far as Oerlikon station
- From Oerlikon Nord station take bus no. 80 (towards Triemlispital) as far as the “ETH Hönggerberg” stop
- Journey time: approx. 20 minutes
- from Zurich Central Station (Zurich HB) by rail
- Take the S-Bahn (Lines 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16) to Oerlikon station
- From Oerlikon Nord station take bus no. 80 (towards Triemlispital) as far as the “ETH Hönggerberg” stop
- Journey time: approx. 25 minutes
- from ETH Zurich Zentrum Campus by ETH Link
- Monday to Friday from 07.50, every 20 minutes at 10, 30 and 50 minutes past the hour to ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg/Science City; last shuttle bus departs at 18:32
- Departs from: ETH Zurich, Zentrum campus, in the underpass under the Polyterrasse (Floor C)
- Also stops at the “Haldenegg” tram stop
- Journey time: approx. 15 minutes
- This free service is intended exclusively for students and employees of ETH Zurich and their guests.
- Monday to Friday from 07.50, every 20 minutes at 10, 30 and 50 minutes past the hour to ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg/Science City; last shuttle bus departs at 18:32
Travelling by car / route planner
SBB timetable
SBB Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (Swiss Federal Railways) external page timetable
ZVV timetable
ZVV Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (Zurich Transport Association) external page timetable