additivETH Community Workshop 2020

On 26 November 2020, members of the MaP community took the opportunity for an informal exchange with other researchers active in additive manufacturing (AM). The aims of the pure online event were to introduce the participants to other MaP members working on AM, get them to talk to each other, and collect their needs and interests.
Therefore, the program of the event was three-fold: the first part included an extensive get-to-know round, where participants were asked to place themselves on boards, such as: In which scale am I working? Which countries do I have cooperations with? What are my core competences? Which type of AM-machine do I use for my research? and many more. In the second phase, current several questions were discussed in groups of 2-4 people leading to vivid and fruitful discussions. The last phase was devoted to looking into the future with asking for the participants’ needs and by discussing open questions.
Already now, we know about new connections built, participants that will meet over a coffee to discuss their projects and furthermore, MaP is able to connect researchers with specific people outside the workshop that might be able to further their research.
We would like to thank all participants for their very active participation!