MaP Graduate Symposium 2021
The 16th edition of the MaP Graduate Symposium took place on 14 & 15 June 2021. It hallmarked the launch of the MaP Doctoral School, which will be hosting future graduate symposia.
Please visit MaP Graduate Symposium for details on this year's edition.

Over 208 participants joined the MaP Graduate Symposium 2021 - the annual platform to learn and exchange about latest Materials and Processes research at ETH Zurich. The event, organised as an online format in two half days, featured 15 short talks by junior researchers, over 57 posters and the ceremony for the MaP Award 2021 (Download program (PDF, 584 KB) & Download symposium booklet (PDF, 2.3 MB))
MaP Award 2021
Dr. Tino Matter (Nanoparticle Systems Engineering Laboratory (D-MAVT & Empa)) wins the MaP Award 2021, recognising his doctoral project as the most promising thesis in ‘Materials and Processes’ completed in the previous year at ETH Zurich. Also, the other two finalists, Dr. Chiao-Peng Hsu (Laboratory for Soft Materials and Interfaces, D-MATL) and Dr. Philippe Grönquist (Wood Materials Science Group, D-BAUG & Empa), are acknowledged for their outstanding doctoral theses.

Poster Awards and Prizes
In a competitive process, the 5 finalists for the MaP Poster Prize presented their research in 2-min Flash Poster Presentations. In the format, only paper and pen were allowed. Impressively, the finalists demonstrated not only their scientific foundations but also thrilling presentation skills. Many congratulations to Marco Binelli (D-MATL, winner), Roberto Pioli (D-BAUG, runner-up) and Wilhelm Woigk (D-MATL, 3rd place) - you convinced the audience!
The MaP People's Choice Poster Award went to Xavier Guichard (D-MATL) for his poster on "Inorganic oxide nanophosphors: synthesis: synthesis, luminescence and processing".
Additionally, seven Industry Poster Awards of CHF 500 prize money each, have been awarded:
- external page avantama Most Significant Commercialisation Potential: Fangwei Guo (D-MATL)
- external page BASF Sustainable Materials & Systems: Lucas Grob (D-HEST)
- external page MERCK Pervoskites & LEDs: Tommaso Marcato (D-CHAB)
- external page MERCK Tissue Engineering: Seunghun Lee (D-HEST)
- external page MERCK Polymer Synthesis: Kostas Parkatzidis (D-MATL)
- external page LUCIDEON Materials Testing & Characterisation: Pius Theiler (D-MAVT)
- external page LUCIDEON game-changing Materials Technology Poster Award: Maxence Menétrey (D-MATL)
The MaP Mastermind 2021 is Andrea Rich (D-MATL). She answered the most scientific quizzes following every presentation session correctly. Congratulations!
Two prizes were awarded for stunning research images: The jury of the Art of Science Contest selected the image by Julie Probst (D-CHAB) and the audience voted in the Best Image Contest for the contribution by Andrea Testa (D-MATL).
Impressions from Award Ceremonies

Online gathering at
The symposium participants met on to enjoy an immersive online user experience. Besides the virtual poster exhibition with over 50 poster contributions, the participants met in the lounge to continue personal exchanges and play together specifically designed games and puzzles based on the image submissions.
Launch of the MaP Doctoral School
Many of MaP’s activities are geared towards doctoral students. MaP therefore proudly announced the official launch of the MaP Doctoral School at this year's MaP Graduate Symposium. The ETH Executive Board approved the initiative in late 2020, which allows MaP to further develop its offers for doctoral students. More info can be found on the website of the MaP Doctoral School and related news posts.
The new format of Thematic Group Discussions gave a first flavour of the collaborative and community-driven spirit of the new MaP Doctoral School. The symposium participants were matched into small groups to meet and exchange with others who work on similar research challenges.
Impressions of the MaP Graduate Symposium
Organising Committee
Marianna Diamantopoulou (MAVT)
Madeleine Fellner (MATL)
Dhananjeya Kumaar (ITET)
Julie Laurent (MATL)
Zazo Meijs (MATL)
Annina Moser (ITET)
Jean Schmitt (BAUG)
Florentine Veenstra (CHAB)
Larissa Schefer (MaP)
Industry partners

Previous MaP Graduate Symposia
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2020
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2019
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2018
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2017
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2016
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2015
- chevron_right MaP Graduate Symposium 2014
- chevron_right MRC Graduate Symposium 2006-2013