MaP Graduate Symposium 2015
More than 200 participants joined the MaP Graduate Symposium 2015, which was the 10th edition of the annual gathering of materials and processes researchers at ETH Zurich.

This one day symposium on 3 June 2015 featured talks, posters and live demos that gave a very broad and interesting overview over the various topics covered within the MaP community. All abstracts can be found in our Download symposium booklet (PDF, 6.1 MB).
The MaP Award 2015 for the best interdisciplinary PhD thesis from within the MaP community was awarded to Dr. Sinead Griffin from the Materials Theory Group at D-MATL. Also all the other finalists, Dr. Deniz Bozyigit, Dr. Alexandre Larmagnac and Dr. Martin Süess are recognized for their excellent PhD theses.
For the Poster Award, we congratulate Ivo Leibacher, Jan Rys and Bernhard Sebastian! They not only convinced the poster jury, but also the audience by pitching their posters in lively 2 min flash presentations.
As a special 10-year anniversary, the MaP Action Award was given for the best live demos. We would like to thank Andreas Frutiger, Lukas Böni and Eve Loiseau for the entertaining performances, which gave us a vivid picture of their research topics.
From the 24 stunning images of materials and processes, the audience has chosen the images of Eva de Leo, Wei Cheng and Ivo Leibacher as their favourites for the Best Image Award.
Many thanks to our sponsors: external page BASF, external page Dow, external page Biotronik, external page nanograde, and external page Oerlikon Balzers!
Impressions of MaP Graduate Symposium 2015