Launch of MaP Doctoral School

We are excited to announce the official launch of the MaP Doctoral School. The sign up for current doctoral students starts at today’s MaP Graduate Symposium on 14 June 2021.

Many of MaP’s activities are already geared towards our doctoral students. We are therefore proud to announce today the official launch of the MaP Doctoral School. The ETH Executive Board approved our initiative in late 2020 and supports us also financially to further develop our offers for doctoral students.

Educating next generations of future-ready doctoral graduates

The MaP Doctoral School is all about preparing our doctoral students to make an impact. An impact in science and society. And for this, we look for the prepared minds. Those who accept the challenge and take responsibility to drive future transformations in the way Materials and Processes shape the world.

The MaP Doctoral School offers doctoral students to organise their studies within an overall doctoral study programme on advanced materials, processes and manufacturing technologies. Each doctoral student is still free to select and assemble the components of the doctoral education. However, the School offers a range of courses, activities and additional benefits.

Framing of the initiative

The School emerges from MaP (ETH Zurich Competence Center for Materials and Processes) that unifies over 80 research groups from 10 departments with over 600 doctoral students. Through the School, the manifold research efforts within MaP are clustered in competitive thematic tracks. The overall mission is to attract most promising and diverse talents from across the world by offering a comprehensive and challenging doctoral education embedded in a collaborative environment of researchers from a variety of disciplines.

Further information & sign up

Please visit our website at for additional information and to sign up.

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