MaP Graduate Symposium 2018
The 13th edition of the MaP Graduate Symposium took place on 26 June 2018 at ETH Hönggerberg. Over 220 participants joined the symposium to discuss the latest achievements of early-career researchers in Materials and Processes from ETH Zurich, PSI and EMPA.

The Download program (PDF, 368 KB) of this year’s MaP Graduate Symposium featured 18 talks and 62 poster presentations. A novel format of short and long talks has been introduced to give outstanding talk applicants the opportunity to elaborate their research in more detail. A list of abstracts of talks and posters can be found in our Download symposium booklet (PDF, 26.9 MB).
Once a year, the best interdisciplinary PhD thesis in Materials and Processes at ETH Zurich is recognised with the MaP Award. The three finalists, Dr. Hortense Le Ferrand, Dr. Giulia Morgese, and Dr. Felix Rechberger (all from D-MATL) have been pre-selected in a highly competitive process and were given the chance to present the highlights of their work during the symposium. Our sincere congratulations go to Dr. Hortense Le Ferrand for winning the MaP Award 2018 for her thesis entitled “Magnetically-Driven Assembly of Bio-Inspired Multifunctional Composites”. We would like to acknowledge the outstanding performances of all three MaP Award nominees and would like to thank them for the excellent presentations of their PhD theses.

For the Poster Award, five finalists have been chosen by the jury to present their poster within the frame of 2-minute flash poster presentations using an overhead projector only. Marco Riccardo Binelli (D-MATL, 1st), Nicole Aegerter (D-MAVT, 2nd), and Federica Boscaro (D-BAUG, 3rd) have been selected by the audience for the podium. This year’s People’s Choice Poster Award was awarded to Pascal Bertsch (D-HEST) for his work on the Rheology of Swiss Cheese Fondue. Congratulations again to all winners and finalists!
A total of 26 images have been submitted for the Image Contest. In the popular contest, all symposium participants have the opportunity to vote for their favourite images. This year’s best images have been submitted by Marco Riccardo Binelli (D-MATL, 1st), Vidyasagar (D-MAVT, 2nd) and Michael Hausmann (D-MATL, 3rd).
MaP Image Contest 2018
Marco Riccardo Binelli - 1st place: "Trapped! A bacterial cellulose fishing net catching silica nanoparticles." -
Vidyasagar - 2nd place: "Anisotropic spinodal microstructures coloured by oxide layers." -
Michael Hausmann - 3rd place: "Tree-D printing, or utilizing wood extracted components, cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), to create complex geometries. [...]"
The symposium day was rounded off by industry presentations by external page avantama, external page BASF, external page Bühler, external page Flisom, external page Sensirion, and external page SuSoS. During the following apéro riche, all participants had a final opportunity to connect with other researchers from the field of Materials and Processes and to interact with industry representatives from the companies named above.
Impressions of MaP Graduate Symposium 2018

Organizing Committee
Sophie Girardin (D-ITET), Philippe Knüsel (D-MAVT), Tommaso Magrini (D-MATL), Leonardo Pierobon (D-MATL), Til Schlotter (D-ITET), Anastasia Spyrogianni (D-CHAB), Paolo Testa (D-MATL), Abbas Tutcuoglu (D-MAVT), Jolanda Baumgartner (MaP), and Larissa Schefer (MaP).